The Green Party select candidate to run in Buckingham constituency
A long-standing campaigner for the environment and community issues, Michael believes that voting Green will send politicians a powerful message, which cannot be ignored.
“It is urgent that we stand up for our environment after Brexit,” he says. “In many ways Europe has championed the environment and proved to be good for the natural world and sustainability. We can’t afford to backtrack on that.”
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Hide AdMichael says there are many good reasons to vote Green at this election. He believes that more Green votes will strengthen the case for proportional representation and make the Green position in future elections stronger.
A resident of Bletchley, Michael has worked with MacIntyre and Age UK in Milton Keynes. He is well known in North Buckinghamshire and is actively involved in TransitionMK, promoting local energy solutions and locally grown food. He volunteers for the Milton Keynes Food Bank using his electric vehicle and helps with his local farmers’ market. Michael regularly speaks to local schools on environmental science and climate change.