Planning round-up: Find out who is planning what in your neighbourhood

This week's round-up of applications in the Herald patch includes a vets in Waddesdon and flats above an Aylesbury takeaway.


n Outline application with access to be considered and all other matters reserved for the demolition of 95 Aylesbury Road and the erection of 50 dwellings with access, parking, amenity space, formal and informal open space, footpath links, landscaping, drainage and all ancillary works on land to the rear of 93 Aylesbury Road.

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Land Rear Of Aylesbury Road Aston Clinton. Ref. No: 16/00780/AOP


n Conversion of upper floors to 3 no. flats. Gi Gees Takeaway 23 Kingsbury Aylesbury HP20 2JA. Ref. No: 15/03325/APP

n The erection of a single storey rear extension, which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 6m, for which the maximum height would be 3.633m, and for which the height of the eaves would be 2.612m. 17 Cotswold Green Aylesbury HP20 2HB. Ref. No: 16/00469/HPDE

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n Erection of a detached garden room. 57 Prebendal Avenue Aylesbury HP21 8LB. Ref. No: 16/00699/APP

n The erection of a single storey rear extension which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 3.1m, for which the maximum height would be 3.473m, and for which the height of the eaves would be 2.615m. 4 Roberts Drive Aylesbury HP19 9PP. Ref. No: 16/00694/HPDE

n First floor extension over the existing garage, workshop, utility room and cloakroom. 46 Langdon Avenue Aylesbury HP21 9UT. Ref. No: 16/00775/APP

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n The erection of a single storey rear extension which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 6m, for which the maximum height would be 3.4m, and for which the height of the eaves would be 2.8m. 130 Penn Road Aylesbury HP21 8JS. Ref. No: 16/00788/HPDE

n Two storey side and rear extension and single storey rear extension. 20 Broughton Avenue Aylesbury HP20 1NH. Ref. No: 16/00781/APP

n Determination as to whether prior approval is required in respect of transport & highway impact, contamination risk and flooding for the proposed change of use of a building from office use to residential comprising the creation of 4 no. 1 bed flats, 3 no. studios and 2 no. 1 bed houses. Ardenham Lane House Ardenham Lane Aylesbury HP19 8AA. Ref. No: 16/00829/COUOR

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n Single storey rear extension and ground and first floor front extension. 11 Camborne Avenue Aylesbury HP21 7UZ. Ref. No: 16/00841/APP

n The erection of a single storey rear extension which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 4.5m, for which the maximum height would be 4m, and for which the height of the eaves would be 3m. 10 Carlton Close Aylesbury HP19 9HR. Ref. No: 16/00863/HPDE

n Single storey rear extension. 6 Glenfield Close Aylesbury HP21 7NE. Ref. No: 16/00828/APP

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n Single storey rear extension. 11 Fairmile Aylesbury HP21 7JT. Ref. No: 16/00777/APP

n Notice to install 1 Electronic Communication apparatus. Opposite 5 Stocklake Aylesbury HP20 1DN. Ref. No: 16/00827/INTN


n Submission of details pursuant to Condition 1 (materials) relating to planning permission 15/01063/ADP. Land Parcel HT06 (Part HM03) Berryfields MDA Bicester Road Quarrendon. Ref. No: 15/A1063/DIS


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n Single storey rear extension with lantern rooflight, replacement windows to front extension and alterations. 12 Temple Street Brill HP18 9SX. Ref. No: 16/00732/APP


n Single storey rear extension. 12 Thorne Way Buckland HP22 5TL. Ref. No: 16/00838/APP

n 1 x Ash Tree Fell. Lower Farm Main Road Buckland HP22 5HY. Ref. No: 16/00789/ATC


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n Single storey rear extension and conversion of loft into living accommodation including dormer window to rear roof slope. 37 Brickhill Way Calvert Green MK18 2FS. Ref. No: 16/00836/APP


n Installation of new rooflight in existing bathroom, new window in existing cloakroom and replacement of existing kitchen windows with one larger window. The Old Orchard Church Lane Chearsley HP18 0DH. Ref. No: 16/00759/AC


n T01 Ash Tree - fell because of seeding in thatch roof and surface tree roots causing damage to garden path. Additional concerns over future damage to the property due to the trees close proximity. Dinton Cottage Biggs Lane Dinton HP17 8UH. Ref. No: 16/00846/ATC

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n Single storey rear extension, front porch canopy and insertion of three dormers to front and three dormers to rear to facilitate loft conversion. Starveall Farm House Oxford Road Dinton HP17 8PZ. Ref. No: 16/00767/APP


n Single storey rear extension. 8 Lacemakers Close East Claydon MK18 2FA. Ref. No: 16/00845/APP


n Erection of 10 No. two storey houses contained within 3 No. terraces, with car parking, refuse storage and landscaping works. Open for Comment. Land At Dollicott Paddock Dollicott Haddenham. Ref. No: 16/00047/APP

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n Submission of details pursuant to Conditions 15 - An impact study of the existing water supply infrastructure; 16 - Implementation of a programme of archaeological work for that phase in accordance with a written scheme of investigation and 17 - A scheme that includes the following components to deal with the risks associated with contamination of that phase and 19 - An Ecological Mitigation and Management Plan on outline planning permission ref - 14/03289/AOP. Land At Haddenham Airfield Thame Road Haddenham. Ref. No: 14/A3289/DIS

n Submission of details pursuant to Condition 2 - Samples of the tiles proposed to be used on the development on planning permission ref 15/03454/APP. Gordon Cottage Fern Lane Haddenham HP17 8EL. Ref. No: 15/A3454/DIS

n Conversion & extension of existing garage to create utility room, family room & workshop. 2 Willow Rise Haddenham HP17 8JR. Ref. No: 16/00800/APP

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n Rear veranda. 16 Thame Road Haddenham HP17 8EW. Ref. No: 16/00805/APP


n 1. Removal of two young sycamores. 2. Reduction of crown by 1-2cm of apple tree. 3. Reduce Goat Willow to a stump of 2.5m. 4. Removal of box elder. 5. Removal of 5 willow trees. 6. Removal of cherry tree. Rectory Cottage The Green Hardwick HP22 4DU. Ref. No: 16/00760/ATC


n Yew (T1) 1. Crown Reduction-Partial on 30A Station Road side of the tree where canopy is approaching chimney stack. 2. Crown Thinning to a max of 30% To bring more light into garden has been requested by owner at the same time as the crown reduction is completed. 30A Station Road Ivinghoe LU7 9EB. Ref. No: 16/00810/ATC

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n Determination as to whether prior approval is required in respect of transport & highway impact, noise, contamination risk, flooding and locational considerations for the conversion of agricultural building into one dwelling (Class Q(a)) and in relation to design and external appearance of the building (Class Q(b)). Land Off Station Road Ivinghoe. Ref. No: 16/00485/COUAR


n Felling of 3 trees and replace with new ones. Inglewood Bowling Alley Oving HP22 4HD. Ref. No: 16/00747/ATC


n Single storey rear extension. 26 Campbell Lane Pitstone LU7 9FT. Ref. No: 16/00844/ACL

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n Submission of details pursuant to Condition 15 relating an archaeological evaluation of the site in accordance with a project design on outline planning permission 13/03491/AOP. Land Rear Of Glebe Close And Rushendon Furlong Pitstone. Ref. No: 13/A3491/DIS


n Two storey front and rear extensions, two front dormers and front entrance porch. 38 Church Street Quainton HP22 4AP. Ref. No: 16/00850/APP

n T1 Holm Oak. Fell to ground level and replace with a new tree. The exact position, size and species of tree is yet to be decided. The tree is being felled because it is very decayed and at risk of collapsing. The Laurels 59 Lower Street Quainton HP22 4BL. Ref. No: 16/00754/ATP

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n Erection of 15 houses. Land South West Of 62 Station Road Quainton. Ref. No: 15/04276/APP


n 50% Reduction to haxel (Haz 1) 30% Reduction to Box (Box 1) Crown lift to 3 metres to Horse Chestnut (HC 1), Sycamore (Syc 1), Silver Birch (SB 1) and Beech (BE 1) HC 2 - 40% Reduction. Village Pond Bishopstone Road Stone. Ref. No: 16/00758/ATC


n Single storey side, rear and porch extension together with dropped kerb and block paving. 10 Ridgeway Cottages Swanbourne MK17 0SJ. Ref. No: 16/00822/APP


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n Erection of agricultural building. The Limes Winchendon Ridge Road Upper Winchendon HP18 0EG. Ref. No: 15/04281/AGN


n Submission of detaills pursuant to Condition 2 (materials) relating to planning permission 14/01575/APP. Riviera Restaurant Watermead Aylesbury HP19 0FU. Ref. No: 14/B1575/DIS


n Determination under Class C of Part 3 of Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as to whether prior approval is required in respect of noise impacts, odour impacts, impacts of storage and handling of waste, impacts of hours of opening, transport and highways impacts, impact of the change of use, and the siting, design or external appearance of the facilities to be provided, for the change of use of the premises from retail (A1) to café/restaurant (A3) use. 31 High Street Wendover HP22 6DU. Ref. No: 16/00550/COUC

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n Proposed pitched roof over existing garages and single storey rear extensions at 18 & 20 Hale Road, Wendover. 18 And 20 Hale Road Wendover HP22 6NF. Ref. No: 16/00745/APP

n Single storey rear extension with two rooflights. 46 Ellesborough Road Wendover HP22 6EL. Ref. No: 16/00818/APP

n Single storey front extension and front and rear dormer to facilitate loft conversion into habitable accommodation. 22 Thornton Crescent Wendover HP22 6DG. Ref. No: 16/00778/APP

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T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5 Lime - overall crown reduction by 3-5 metres. T6 Beech - overall crown reduction by 3.5-4 metres. T7, T8, and T9 Hornbeam - overall crown reduction by 3-3.5 metres. T10 Cherry - fell dead tree. 10 Coldharbour Cottages Tring Road Wendover HP22 6NR. Ref. No: 16/00815/ATC

n Erection of detached dwelling. Land At Beechwood Cottages Beechwood Lane Wendover HP22 5QL. Ref. No: 16/00779/APP


n Single storey rear extension to form garden room with three lantern rooflights. 3 Baldways Close Wingrave HP22 4PB. Ref. No: 16/00797/APP


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n Change of use from dwelling (C3) to veterinary practice (D1), including changes to fenestration, parking and boundary treatment. Harts Veterinary Surgery 1 Frederick Street Waddesdon HP18 0LU. Ref. No: 16/00753/APP


n Royal Mail letter box installation. 1 Field Farm Cottages Menmarsh Road Worminghall HP18 9JY. Ref. No: 16/00924/INTN

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