Police alerted to Aylesbury town centre fight involving group of teenagers

Police officers have filed the incident pending new evidencePolice officers have filed the incident pending new evidence
Police officers have filed the incident pending new evidence
Police officers were called out to break up a fight between teenagers reported in Aylesbury town centre yesterday (4 September).

Concerned onlookers contacted the police regarding a fight on Cambridge Street near to the M&S store on Aylesbury High Street.

Witnesses saw what appeared to be a mass brawl involving teenagers yesterday afternoon. Thames Valley Police has confirmed officers were sent to a scene and two teenagers were fighting at around 4:35pm.

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A spokesperson for the police force also confirmed a larger group of youths witnessed the attack. They said: “The fight dispersed and no injuries were identified, and the incident has been filed pending any information coming to light regarding a possible affray.

“We would ask anyone who witnessed it, or who has any information, to contact TVP on 101 quoting reference 43240425850.”