Bucks primary school pupils achieve strong results at the end of Key Stage Two

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Key Stage Two results published by the Department for Education this week show that Bucks primary schools have achieved strong outcomes when compared with the national figures.

Provisional data shows that 66% of the county's pupils achieved at least the expected standard across reading, writing and maths, a two per cent increase on last year’s results and two per cent higher than the national average of 64%.

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In addition, 11% of pupils across Bucks achieved the higher standard across the board, up one per cent on last year's results and above the national figure of 10%.

This year has also seen a two percentage point increase in children achieving the highest level of writing assessment, where work is beyond that expected of a Year Six child.

County council cabinet member for education and skills Mike Appleyard said: “Once again our schools and pupils have performed magnificently, achieving well and securing our 11 year old children the best possible start to their secondary education.

"These results reflect the continued hard work of pupils, teachers and school leaders across the county.”