Over 70 per cent of A-level students at Cottesloe School in Wing have achieved A* to C marks.
The students are celebrating a successful round of grades, with 72 per cent achieving A* to C, and 42 per cent of grades in the A* to B range. As for BTEC grades, all marks were either Distinction or Distinction*.
Headteacher Simon Jones said: “These are fantastic results that have been achieved under challenging circumstances and reflect the hard work and dedication of both students and staff.
“I would like to take this opportunity to say congratulations to all students and a huge thank you to the staff who have supported them through the last two years.”

. All smiles
Top performing students Laura Clark-Monks, Eleanor Tollyfield, Emma List and Tallulah Cotgrave with Mrs Smith Deputy Head of Sixth Form (middle). Photo: The Cottesloe School

1. Ben Underhill
Ben is among many of the A Level student success stories at Cottesloe. He achieved an A* in maths and two A grades in biology and chemistry and has been accepted to study Natural Sciences at the University of Exeter. Photo: The Cottesloe School

2. Emma List and Mr Youngs, Head of Sixth Form
Emma achieved an A grade in biology and geography and a Distinction* in sports studies and is going to study Paramedic Science at the University of Bedfordshire. Photo: The Cottesloe School

3. Smiles of relief - James and Will Beaumont
Both students received successful grades and James, who achieved two A grades and a B grade in Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science respectively, is going on to study Computer Science at Newcastle University. Photo: The Cottesloe School

4. Making the grade
Proud student Taylor Jackson smiles for the camera. Photo: The Cottesloe School