Warm and sunny weather should finally reach Aylesbury Vale this Bank Holiday weekend

Looking good!Looking good!
Looking good!
Forecasts predict we may finally be getting warm sunny weather.

Weather forecasts finally predict, bright sunny weather should be heading to Aylesbury in time for the Bank Holiday weekend.

Today's sunny forecast (May 27), is the start of consistently warm summer weather expected until July 1.

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Temperatures could rise right up to 19 degrees today according to the Met Office's forecast.

Sunny Intervals with a light breeze is the order of the day in Aylesbury.

Friday and Saturday are set to be warm but cloudy, with the sun finally bursting through in 20 degree heat on Sunday.

The BBC is equally positive when it comes to today's weather describing the East of England's forecast as: "Largely sunny throughout the day, just with a few patches of cloud in places during the afternoon."

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Temperatures will be similar to today on Friday, but markedly more overcast, the general description on the Met Office's forecast uses just one word, cloudy. It will be slightly more gusty tomorrow, throughout the day a breeze is forecast to swirl through the air at 10 miles-per-hour. However, the highest potential temperature is just one notch lower at 17 degrees.

Saturday will be cloudy with sunny intervals, and slightly higher wind speeds that could reach 13 miles-per-hour. It should be another warm day with highs of 18 degrees projected.

Bank holiday Sunday in Aylesbury is set to be a scorcher, with sun and no clouds expected.

Monday will also be 21 degrees with no clouds.