The Leave Means Leave pro-Brexit march arrives in Buckingham - without Nigel Farage

Pro-Brexit campaigners in BuckinghamPro-Brexit campaigners in Buckingham
Pro-Brexit campaigners in Buckingham
The Leave Means Leave march in support of the campaign for the UK to exit the European Union passed through Buckingham today.

Around 40 people gathered along with their pro-Brexit campaign bus to sing and chant.

As reported earlier, Brexit figurehead Nigel Farage was unable to join this leg of the march due to his commitments as an MEP. He is currently in Strasbourg.

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However, the marchers did include another leading Brexit supporter – Tim Martin, the founder and chairman of pub chain Wetherspoons.

Pro-Brexit campaigners in BuckinghamPro-Brexit campaigners in Buckingham
Pro-Brexit campaigners in Buckingham

Tomorrow the march moves on to Aylesbury.

In total they are marching approximately 270 miles. They set out from Sunderland on 16 March and finish in Parliament Square in London on 29 March, the original date for the UK to leave the EU, which has now been delayed until at least 12 April.

See our interview with Nigel Farage earlier this week here.