MP for Buckingham John Bercow rules out third vote on Brexit deal - but will he stand by it?

Speaker of the House of Commons John BercowSpeaker of the House of Commons John Bercow
Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow
The MP for Buckingham and Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, put himself front and centre of the Brexit saga this week after he ruled out a third vote on Theresa May's EU Withdrawal Agreement.

The MP for Buckingham and Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, put himself front and centre of the Brexit saga this week after he ruled out a third vote on Theresa May's EU Withdrawal Agreement.

Citing parliamentary precedent that dates back to 1604, Mr Bercow said there would have to be substantial changes to what has already been resoundingly rejected twice if it is to get a third run.

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We requested a comment from Mr Bercow and he responded by saying that he believes his statement in the House of Commons on Monday speaks for itself.

Speaker of the House of Commons John BercowSpeaker of the House of Commons John Bercow
Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow

In January the Prime Minister's deal was defeated by 230 votes - a record majority in parliamentary history. Last week the same deal was defeated again, this time by the fourth largest majority ever.

This latest setback for Theresa May prompted the speaker's invention which could mark the end of her negotiated exit agreement.

This week, the EU has granted a Brexit delay until 12 April if there is no resolution forthcoming from the UK parliament - but we will not leave until 22 May if the Withdrawal Agreement does pass in the House of Commons before then.

So the big question now is; will Mr Bercow hold his ground?

Meanwhile, a petition on the Government's website called 'Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU' has gained almost three million signatures.