Cluster of Coronavirus 'Indian variant' detected at the University of Buckingham

The student union building at Old Tanlaw MillThe student union building at Old Tanlaw Mill
The student union building at Old Tanlaw Mill
All students have completed 10-day isolation period but all staff and students invited to get tested

A cluster of cases of the 'Indian variant' of coronavirus has been identified on campus at the University of Buckingham.

They have not been linked to any international travel.

The university has emailed all staff and students over a 'very small number of cases' (believed to be eight) of the coronavirus variant first identified in India found on campus.

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The students in question, who had mild symptoms, have now completed their 10-day isolation period.

The University of Buckingham and Buckinghamshire Council, which have been working closely with Public Health England are encouraging all staff and students who have spent time on campus since April 1 to take a PCR Covid-19 test this week.

A mobile testing unit will be deployed for staff and students only on campus from 9am to 3pm on Friday and Saturday, May 7 and 8.

A university spokesman said: "Public Health England has commended the university on the high standard of its procedures in relation to coronavirus.

"There is no evidence to suggest that this variant causes more serious illness than other variants.

"We are being cautious. We are doing this to avoid any possibility at all of the virus spreading."