Buckinghamshire hospitals missing cancer treatment targets

Buckinghamshire hospitals missing cancer treatment targetsBuckinghamshire hospitals missing cancer treatment targets
Buckinghamshire hospitals missing cancer treatment targets
Bucks hospitals are not hitting targets for cancer treatment- with some patients waiting more than 100 days before they are treated.

A total of four cancer patients attending hospitals under the Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust waited 104 days before they received treatment for their illness in January.

One patient had a “lengthy diagnostic pathway” according to the Bucks Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) board report, with numerous tests -and surgery was delayed due to a high theatre demand.

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Another patient who was referred to Oxford was forced to wait for treatment after surgery was cancelled then delayed by three weeks.

However the report stated that one patient wanted “thinking time” to decide between radiotherapy and surgery, and subsequently made the decision to wait until January this year for treatment.

The report published ahead of last week’s CCG board meeting said clinical harm reviews will be carried out for each of the patients.

A spokesman for the trust said the majority of patients are treated within the “national standard” of 62 days from GP referral.

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A statement issued by BHT stated: “The Trust is proud of its cancer services, we receive approximately 1,500 suspected cancer referrals a month and are performing well in terms of national standards.”

“This includes the two week wait for a patient’s first appointment following GP referral, with many patients referred to the trust seen within seven days.

“The majority of our patients are treated within the national standard of 62 days from GP referral, however there will be occasions when patients will be treated beyond this time as the confirmation of their cancer diagnosis may require additional tests or referral to a specialist centre.

“In addition, a number of patients will choose to take time out of their treatment pathway to consider their clinical options or to delay treatment due to personal circumstances or commitments.”