Aylesbury Vale and Bucks NHS launch online physical and mental health improvement sessions

Get your mind and body in shape during 2021!Get your mind and body in shape during 2021!
Get your mind and body in shape during 2021!
The New Year is nearly here – and that means many of us will be thinking about making some lifestyle changes to improve our physical and mental health in 2021.

And now that Buckinghamshire is currently in Tier 4 restrictions, it is more important than ever that we take care of ourselves.

To help people make better lifestyle choices and make them stick, a series of free online sessions – Live Life Well - have been developed by NHS Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in partnership with Bucks Adult Learning.

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Running in January, they are packed with healthy lifestyle information and tips – and you can secure a place on them now.

Each session will give useful advice on keeping well - through a sensible diet, physical activity, and by recognising stress and anxiety. They also let you set personal goals to help you achieve these changes.

Dr Stuart Logan, Clinical Director for Long Term Conditions, Prevention & Supported Self-Care at NHS Buckinghamshire CCG, said: “Many of us want to make better lifestyle choices as part of our New Year’s resolutions, but sticking to them is easier said than done. These online sessions are designed to help people make better choices by giving them the right information.

"It has been a really hard year for all of us, and, although the COVID vaccine is being rolled out, we still have difficult weeks and months ahead. Making the right choices for our physical and mental health can make a huge difference, and we hope as many people as possible sign up for these online sessions to give them a better start to 2021.”

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The sessions are listed below. They run during the day and the evening, and you can attend one or all three.

To enrol, call 01296 383582, stating which course code you would like to attend.

Recognising Stress & Anxiety

Tuesday 12 January 14:00 - 15:00 (Course code: U2PH05AHO) or

Thursday 14 January 18:30 – 19:30 (Course code: U4PH04AHO)