Glamour girls cha cha for charity

Giving Is Glamorous girlsGiving Is Glamorous girls
Giving Is Glamorous girls
A group of hard-working friends are getting ready to rumba to raise cash strictly for charity.

They’ve formed themselves into an action group to aid charities in their areas and, as three members come from Ivinghoe Aston and Burcott, near Wing, their next big event is a dance competition, Dancing Is *Glamourous, being held at Wing Village Hall on November 23.

Said spokeswoman Sally Ashton May: “We raise funds for local charities. We have a small portfolio of charities to ensure that funds raised are not spread too thinly and can benefit the organisations but hope this will grow as we grow.

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“The Dancing is Glamourous event is the Bucks event for this year and we are supporting Keech Hospice Care Children’s Services Luton as one of our team, my next door neighbour, became involved with them through work and identified a need for support.

“We have a group of ladies in Wing called Crackin Community Crafters, led by a local nurse Maggie Ryan, and they support various groups and individuals by making blankets, baby hats, craft items for sale etc for free, they are designing and making knitted dancers for the competition to help raise funds and as mementoes for the dancers.

For more info and how you can support the night go to their website*The girls have been forced to spell their group Glamourous so as not to clash with a US group of the same name!