Students celebrate year of achievement

Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School Celebration of AchievementsSir Henry Floyd Grammar School Celebration of Achievements
Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School Celebration of Achievements
Students at Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School held their Celebration of Achievement at the Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury. Students from across the school joined parents, staff and governors to watch prizes being awarded to those students who have gone the extra mile, not only in their schoolwork, but also in the areas of sport and performing arts.

Certificates were awarded to students in Years 7 to 10 for Effort, Achievement and a Form Tutor Prize, and in Year 12, students who have excelled in each subject were given awards, and others who have done well were given commendations.

The prestigious Governor’s Awards were also presented by the Chair of Governors, Mrs Bull. This year, the Governor’s Award for Best A-level Scholar was awarded to Ella Pinder, and the Best International Baccalaureate Scholar was given to Celia Kessler.

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Following the celebration of achievement, the evening was filled with extraordinary talent in the Summer Concert. There were performances from the school’s chamber choir, jazz band, senior orchestra and many more. As well as talented musicians, there were also dancers, with a beautiful duet being performed by Jack Buchanan and Meghan Bunyan to ‘With You’ accompanied by Ella Pinder and the string quartet.

As always, it is inspiring to see so many high-achieving students receiving recognition for their achievements. Congratulations to all the prize winners, and many thanks to staff, both at school and the theatre, for ensuring that the day was such a success.

Abbie Foy and Sam Benbow, Head Girl and Head Boy