PICTURE GALLERY: Young musicians from Bucks to perform at the Royal Albert Hall

Rehearsal at Aylesbury Music Centre ahead of their performance at the Royal Albert HallRehearsal at Aylesbury Music Centre ahead of their performance at the Royal Albert Hall
Rehearsal at Aylesbury Music Centre ahead of their performance at the Royal Albert Hall
More than 700 talented young musicians from across Bucks will be descending on the Royal Albert Hall for the Bucks Music Trust's annual celebration concert on July 1.

Musicians aged between six and 19 will be performing with the bulk of the pieces being performed by large orchestras that bring together groups from across the county, mainly from the three large music centres in Aylesbury, Amersham and High Wycombe.

Four local secondary school choirs from Aylesbury High School, John Colet School, The Royal Latin School in Buckingham and Sir William Ramsay School in High Wycombe will also be performing with two local adult choirs.

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Music performed at the concert varies from Miles Davis’ jazz work and a Strings Concerto to an Eighties medley and music from The Greatest Showman.

Paul Guenault, the director of Buckinghamshire Music Trust said: “We hope this will help to encourage more to take on this journey; finding the fulfilment of music-making, the enjoyment of being part of a music centre and the empowerment of gaining an extraordinary set of skills for life.”

Also performing is the Bucks Young Musician of the Year Alex Pullen, who reached this year’s category final of the BBC Young Musician of the Year award. If you are interested in attending the event, tickets can be brought on the Royal Albert Hall website here - https://www.royalalberthall.com/tickets/events/2018/buckinghamshire-music-trust-celebration-concert