National award for Transport for Bucks for improving customers service

Transport for Bucks representatives receiving the awardTransport for Bucks representatives receiving the award
Transport for Bucks representatives receiving the award
Transport For Bucks has won a national award for improving its customer service offer.

The council department which is responsible for managing the Vale's transport network is overall winner of the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) Global Award - “Improving Customer Service through Collaboration” at the Institute of Asset Management awards on 27 November 2019.

TfB was successful in winning by making a step change in improved customer service.

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This was achieved by focusing and engaging elected county councillors and executive management on asset management principles, ongoing member meetings and increased stakeholder engagement. The council says that the result is a far better customer journey as well as genuine improvements in the highways asset.

The awards ceremony was attended by Rob Smith, director of growth, strategy and highways services at Buckinghamshire County Council, Andy Denman operations director for Ringway Jacobs and BCC political leaders along with the Transport for Buckinghamshire asset team and Jacobs’ colleagues.

A spokesperson said: "TfB was very pleased for the hard work and collaborative approach from both officers and members to be recognised by such a well-respected, professional body, particularly given the strength of competition, globally, and across all sectors.

"The award builds upon the recognition the asset management approach had through the achievement of ISO 55001 accreditation and the very real benefits of achieving Band 3 DfT Incentive funding."

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