Education Eye: Setting goals with your child for the year ahead

Catherine StokerCatherine Stoker
Catherine Stoker
With all the talk of New Year resolutions, I started thinking about the importance of goal setting for 2015; whatever age and stage your child might be in education.

Whether related to performance in imminent mocks or other exams, report grade targets, sporting, artistic or musical achievements or just getting to school on time with homework completed, goals are an excellent motivator, as well as building self-confidence through the feeling of achievement. 
They give a purpose to the day-to-day routine of school life by defining what you aim to achieve on a term by term basis. 
Goals help with organisation and time-planning as they give short-term purpose and a long-term vison for where you wish to be in the future.

Here are a few tips for goal-setting. 
> They must be challenging, demanding significant effort to attain them, but also realistic. 
> Goals which allow treading water or thumb twiddling are not worth having. 
> Seeing goals as ambitious but attainable steps will give a reasonable chance of success and can then become the building blocks towards a much bigger end-goal in the future.
> Goals must outline your personal ambition and not the aspirations of friends or family or be dependent on others for success. 
> You must be committed to your own goals and buy-in to their purpose and how you will achieve them. 
> Make goals positive in terms of things you will achieve or execute well, rather than things you will not do. 
> Committing to goals by writing them down and sharing them with others will give a much better chance of achieving them. 
> Reading them regularly as the weeks go by to keep them fresh in your mind will help you attain them. 
> Setting goals gives meaning to education and serves as an excellent motivator.