COLUMN: Have your say on how area grows with this consultation

Carole Paternoster ENGPNL00120130524163935Carole Paternoster ENGPNL00120130524163935
Carole Paternoster ENGPNL00120130524163935
AVDC is preparing a new Local Plan to set out future development in the Vale looking forward to 2033. 
This will tackle how much new housing, employment and retail development is needed, along with where this development will be 
New housing and offices could be built in your local 
area, as well as shops, schools and open spaces. Roads and cycle ways may be built to make journeys easier, with employers 
potentially providing new job opportunities. 
This is the second public consultation stage in the Local Plan’s preparation and it includes options such as an urban extension of Milton Keynes/Bletchley, creating a new settlement, and more efficient land usage by raising the average density of developments. 
This plan is likely to affect all residents of Aylesbury Vale and we want your help in its production.
Subject to full council 
approval, we will shortly 
be seeking your views on 
the ‘issues and options’ 
consultation paper. 
This will be your chance to get involved and have your say on new opportunities for growth in our area. Consultation is set to start on October 23 and will last for six weeks until December 4. Events will take place during this period where you will be able discuss the proposed development with our 
planning officers. 
Two further consultations periods are due prior to the plan being considered at a public examination in 2017.
It is vital that we raise awareness of this consultation document so that people can engage in the production of the plan. As it is still at an early stage of production, 
it means that much of the 
content and direction is still open to debate!
To get involved and for more information visit www. from October 23.

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